A Trail of Thoughts: Being intentional

Life gets very hectic. Just about anyone can tell you that. It seems no matter what a person does, there are always going to be those things that clamor for our attention.

If a decision is not made to make priorities, life can potentially spiral out of control. It is about making choices and making time for those priorities. These choices can be simple or courageous depending on the individual and the situation.

For me, Faith, Family and Friends are things I always try my best to make sure I have time for. Quite frankly, life would be far emptier without these things. As a result I want to be sure to give them the attention they are due. This has been what has helped me to keep my center of balance when things get crazy. They are constants that I rely on daily. I would not be who I am without them.

In my mind, the things that one makes important, the things that person places importance in are a huge part of what that person will eventually become. I want to invest in the things that will help me to be the best that I can be. I want to be on the side of truth.

Another aspect of being intentional is taking a stand. People need to know what they believe and why they believe it. The world is in the condition it is because there are not more who choose to stand. There is a great need for more leaders who have integrity. There is always going to be the need to stand for what is right. I am hopeful that there will be more that make that choice that rise to the surface.

While there is still a huge need for more intentionality, I am very thankful for those who are standing and continuing to make a difference.