A Trail of Thoughts: Summer Days

Summer weather and an unusually high river have both arrived! Once again, I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I have always enjoyed this time of year because it means that pleasant temperatures and fun-filled activities are ahead. However, for me, the “lazy days of summer” is usually an oxymoron!

Between my usual schedule and setting aside time for a little extra fun, the days move at an even faster pace and can feel anything but relaxing at times. But, I know that it certainly doesn’t last forever, hence I make the most of it while I can.

For me, summer often means spending a lot of time outdoors, vacations, attending concerts and being involved in one of my favorite sports... Rodeo! There is nothing quite like an arena with lights and a cheering crowd on a San Luis Valley night or a hike to enjoy wildflowers at their finest to say that summer has come to Colorado. Whether it is sipping limeade on a hot day or enjoying the crisp mountain air at dusk, to me, summer is one the best seasons this place has to offer.

Just like every season, I know that this summer will pass all too quickly, however, I am determined that I will enjoy it while it is here.