Adams State play 'Dog Sees God' opens March 13


ALAMOSA – The Adams State University Theatre production “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead,” directed by senior theatre major Brandon Duran, opens at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, and will continue nightly through March 16, in the Xperimental Theatre.

Duran chose a monologue from “Dog Sees God,” written by Bert V. Roybal, when he auditioned for the Theatre Department. “I wanted to complete a full circle by the end of my term here at Adams State.” Duran will graduate in May 2018.

The script follows the life of CB, whose dog recently died, leaving him to question life, death, and the afterlife. “CB starts a quest to find answers from his friends and family,” Duran said. The characters struggle with teenage issues including sexual identity, drug and alcohol abuse, and bullying. “The kids come together in high school and try and figure out who they are and CB tries to find his place in life.”

According to Duran the play is very serious and has a dark twist at the end, which will leave audience members questioning how they see themselves and their place in society. “At Adams State we produce many plays that appeal to the audience to question the status quo. The subject of bullying in this play raises the question, are you the bully, the bystander, or the one being targeted. The bystander has the option of either accepting the situation or doing something to stop it.”

Casting actors for the play was the most challenging aspect for Duran. “So many talented actors auditioned. I couldn’t pick everyone to play everything, so I chose who I thought would be best.” As the rehearsal process has been a smooth and successful, Duran believes he made the right choices. “All the cast members bring a positive attitude to each rehearsal. They are more than willing to stay after and do more scenes. It makes me happy I chose the cast I did.”

A graduate of Monte Vista High School, Duran said he was not a big fan of high school and not the best student. “Attending Adams State was the best decision I have made this far in my life. I have met some of my best friends here and the education I received will further my goals in life.”

After completing his degree, Duran plans on working and saving money to finance a move to Chicago by January 2019 and study improv comedy with Second City and Improv Olympics. “I like to make people laugh.”

Due to subject matter and language, Duran recommends audience members be 17-years-old or older. Tickets are now on sale and can be reserved by calling 719-587-8499. Tickets prices are $9 general admission; $8 seniors and high school students, and free admission for ASU faculty, staff, and students.

Caption: Adams State actors rehearse for “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead” which opens March 13. Photo by Brandon Duran.