Adams State trustees looking ahead


ALAMOSA — The Adams State University Board of Trustees met on Friday. There seems to be little doubt that this is a time of transition for the university in 2018. As a result, the board is now reevaluating its approach to legislative affairs and how the mission of the university can be taken further.

In one of the first meetings for Interim President Dr. Cheryl Lovell, the board looked at the possibility of taking some new measures in order to better prepare the university for the future.

The most notable topic was increased involvement in legislative affairs. This means taking measures to create greater awareness of Adams State with decision makers at the state level. There was a great deal of discussion amongst the trustees on this issue.

The first step was determined to be the selection of a lobbying firm. The university does use the service of lobbyists. However, the board is currently in the process of entertaining proposals as the previous contract reached its expiration in June. Cleave Simpson, chair of the board pointed out that this time of transition at the university is a “great opportunity,” to increase the presence of Adams State in both the local and Denver sectors of the Colorado legislature. There was consensus that furthering the university mission will indeed depend partly on increased involvement.

Dr. Lovell clearly expressed that legislative involvement is a high priority for her. She also noted that it is “good business practice,” to review the scope of work as well as connect with the right legislators. There was also consensus that there is a need for increased involvement in public policy. This is due to the fact that many funding decisions that can greatly impact institutions across the state come from the legislature. There was agreement that there is a need for an increased presence from Adams State to ensure a successful future and consistency when it comes to resources.

Trustee Randy Wright expressed willingness to be a part of helping to increase involvement at the local level. Chairman Simpson responded, “Consider yourself appointed to the Legislative Affairs Committee.” Student Trustee Cody Trujillo also expressed willingness to be involved with the committee. This was also agreeable to the board.

Trujillo was also quick to point out that it would be beneficial to relate to the students and “get the whole body involved.” Dr. Lovell encouraged the board that this a time “to take the lead,” rather than have a reactionary approach. The Legislative Committee plans to circulate proposals that come in from lobbying firms to the board. Further decisions on this matter are expected at the October meeting.