Adams State Trustees recognize Salazar, Bobicki


ALAMOSA — Arnold Salazar was honored by the Board of Trustees of Adams State University upon the conclusion of his service as a trustee and board chair. He was first appointed to the board in 2010; his current term expires December 31.

“I would like to express my appreciation of Trustee Salazar for the passion, commitment and time he has dedicated to this university,” said Adams State President Beverlee J. McClure.

Salazar said over his eight years on the board he has made “an incredible connection” with his fellow trustees and told them, “I have no doubt that as challenges come forward, you will take care of those challenges and we will come out better than before.”

A native of the San Luis Valley, Salazar is executive director of Colorado Health Partnerships, L.L.C. He is an alumnus of Adams State, Class of 1976.

At the board’s regular meeting, December 15, current chair Cleave Simpson presented Salazar a plaque of the resolution issued by the board which reads:

“Whereas, Arnold Salazar served the faculty, staff, and students of Adams State University from January 2010 through December 2017, as Trustee on the Adams State University Board of Trustees; and

“Whereas, Arnold Salazar served the Board of Trustees and Adams State University and was vigorously involved in Trustee activities throughout his appointment; 

“Whereas Arnold Salazar served as chair of the Adams State University Board of Trustees from December 2013 through August 2017; and

“Whereas Arnold Salazar continues to serve his family, community and the State of Colorado

“Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved That

“The Adams State Board of Trustees does hereby thank Arnold Salazar for his expertise, insight and support of Adams State University.”

The board also recognized Charlotte Bobicki for service to the community and congratulated her on her recent retirement. Bobicki received ASU’s Outstanding Alumna Award in 2005 and was inducted into ASU’s Educator Hall of Fame in 2012.

“I’m shaking,” said Bobicki. “I’m overwhelmed. Thank you very much. I really, really appreciate the support that you’ve given Adams State and how good it’s become. It’s been a tremendous gain for the San Luis Valley.”

She served two terms as an Alamosa County Commissioner and worked as an aide for both Senator Ken Salazar and Senator Michael Bennet.

“As my fifth grade science teacher, she was my first inspiration towards biology and getting my degree in biology from Adams State,” said Trustee Randy Wright. “She’s continued to be that inspiration for me throughout my adult life. Thank you for that.”

Captions: Cleave Simpson, left, chair of the Board of Trustees for Adams State University, presents a plaque of appreciation to former chair Arnold Salazar, whose term expires December 31. Photo courtesy of ASU

Pictured below, Cleave Simpson, left, chair of the Board of Trustees for Adams State University, presents a plaque of appreciation to former ASU student Charlotte Bobicki, who recently retired from being an aide to Senator Michael Bennet. Courier photo by Jefferson Geiger.