Alamosa County adopts 2019 budget


ALAMOSA — The Alamosa Board of County Commissioners voted to approve the 2019 Alamosa County budget on Wednesday. It was also the first meeting where the board heard from Alamosa County Interim Finance Director Herry Andrews.

Andrews thanked outgoing Finance Director Brittney DeHerrera for all of her work He also thanked the commissioners for bringing him on and noted that it was a “pleasure to be back at the table.” Andrews had previously served as Alamosa County administrator.

Currently, there is an estimated $10,138,072 in the Alamosa County General Fund. Andrews noted that the element with the most uncertainty in the budget was the sheriff’s department as well as operating costs for the new jail and justice center. The reasons for this include the amount of deputies that may be needed in the department particularly to maintain security for the new facilities, along with the unknown element of operational costs that come with new structures.

However, Andrews anticipates that after the first year there will be more of a routine, and some of these unknowns will go away. The Department of Human Services is also undergoing some changes, so those funds are also expected to look different in the future as well.

Other items of note in the budget include the San Luis Valley Regional Airport fence project, as well as the grant funding that Alamosa County is overseeing for the Doppler Radar Project. The insurance funds remain steady as do the Road and Bridge Department funds. The budget was unanimously approved as resolutions for each respective section.

The board also heard the final report from retiring Alamosa County Treasurer/Public Trustee Lois Widhalm who also introduced her newly elected successor Amy McKinley.

The commissioners thanked Widhalm for her service and Andrews for being willing to step in during this time.