Alamosa petitions invalid


ALAMOSA Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez determined that petitions seeking to amend the city’s ordinance regarding outside marijuana grows were invalid this week.

Those wishing to prohibit outside marijuana grows for personal use, which are now permitted under city ordinance, submitted petitions to the city clerk on February 28. Martinez deemed the petitions invalid because they lacked the required number of valid signatures, which would be 318. The petition submissions contained a total of 294 verified signatures according to Martinez.

Martinez stated that signatures on the petitions were disqualified for any one of the following reasons:

• Address was located outside of city limits

• Signer not registered or registered at a different address than provided

• Illegible name to verify signature against address

A total of 318 signatures is needed on this petition to reach the 15 percent required, Martinez stated.

While the petitions currently are invalid, petitioners have 15 days to withdraw or amend (cure) them and provide the remaining amount of signatures, Martinez stated. The deadline for this is March 27 at 5 p.m.