Amarah's Corner: Hillary shares her story

Hi! My name is Amarah. Kids are important to Jesus, and they’re important to me, too.

Teaching kids about God’s Word is so important, look what He says about it: “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds….Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up….” (Deuteronomy 11:18-19, NIV).

“Kids like me” are kids and adults of all ages whose parents are, or were, drug addicts, and alcoholics; kids who have suffered, or who are suffering, abuse and neglect on multiple levels; and kids who are victims of bullying.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting and talking with Hillary:

I have one beautiful, amazing daughter. I know I have hurt my daughter emotionally by not being there when she needed me and I am very sorry for it. I will do anything to make our relationship better, and our relationship is getting better. I will accomplish this by spending more time with her, doing fun things with her, and by going to counseling, together. And, Yes, I will do it.

I was born in La Jara, Colorado. I only had my mother when I was growing up and she did not drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs. I was not emotionally, physically, or sexually abused. I had one-sister and I had my grandparents.

I was artistic and I wanted to be a nurse when I grew-up. (Hillary looks like a Swedish nurse)!

My first pet was a Cocker Spaniel and she was very important to me.

Playing sports was very important to me, too. I played volleyball and basketball, and I made good grades in school.

My teachers were good with me, I had a best friend all through grade school, and I had a trusted adult I could talk with.

I didn’t attend church very much when I was growing-up, but I do believe in God. I don’t take my daughter to church but I try to teach her about Jesus.

Using drugs and drinking alcohol has caused me to lose a lot of good things in my life, like my job, house, car, etc.

I used to drink alcohol, a lot, but I stopped due to a very bad altercation. I started drinking with friends when I was younger, to try it out. I drank for two-years but I quit drinking about four-years ago.

I use drugs but I’m currently clean, and I’ve taken steps to get the Vivitrol shot on my own [Vivitrol is used to treat alcohol and opioids]. My drug of choice is heroin and I’ve used it for five-years but I want to stop using. I started using heroin when the friends I hung out with wanted to try it, so I tried it, too.

If my child used drugs I would really be heartbroken that she would ruin her life just as I have.

If I could change anything in my life, I would change my using drugs and drinking so I wouldn’t lose my sobriety and my new life.

To other parents who are addicts: We’ve made mistakes and we’ve made every excuse in the book to get high. We didn’t care who we hurt. I hurt the two most important ladies in my life. I lost a lot of time that I’ll never get back and I caused them hurt that I’ll never be able to take back. Time spent in jail - we’ll never get back.

To grandparents of kids like me: Every grandparent who is raising their grandchildren is an angel sent from Heaven. If it wasn’t for grandparents, where would our children be!

My advice for kids like me: It’s not your fault that we (parents) have addictions. None of our children should have to feel like it’s their fault. Amarah, you have to know that your mom’s addiction is not your fault!!

If I woke-up tomorrow morning and my life was like I want it to be, I wouldn’t wake-up in jail. I would wake up to my daughter and I would have a good life for her.

Please, cherish your family and the precious time you have with them.~Hillary

Thank you for your honesty and courage, and thank you for talking with me, Hillary!

Thank You, Sheriff Jackson and Corporal Sanchez!

Write to me: Amarah’s Kids Like Me, P.O. Box 354, Alamosa, CO 81101. If you know a kid who doesn’t have a Bible, let me know - I’ll make sure he/she gets one, “…and all the earth may know there is a God…” (1 Samuel 17:46, KJV).

Amarah’s “Kids Like Me” offers non-denominational World Bible School (WBS) Bible Correspondence Courses (free/postage paid) in English/Spanish. Send your name/age/address - I hope to hear from you soon!

Until next time, remember, Jesus Loves You, and JESUS IS LORD!