Amarah's Corner: Mom shares dreams of a better life


Hi! My name is Amarah. Kids are important to me, and they’re important to Jesus, too.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:40 (KJV), “Whatever you’ve done unto the least of these (kids), you’ve done it unto me.”

“Kids like me” are kids/adults of all ages whose parents are/were drug addicts, and alcoholics; kids who have suffered, or who are suffering, abuse and neglect on multiple levels; and kids who are victims of bullying.

Hey, kids like me! I had the privilege to ask questions of some mothers in Alamosa County Jail about their struggle with addiction. Today is Part 2 of Jessica’s story, the sixth story:

I want to stop drinking so I don’t turn to drugs. It has messed-up my teeth, separated me from my family, and worst of all it separated me from my kids.

How do I feel about the possibility of my kids using drugs? It would kill me inside if I had to tell my kids, Estella, Lucky, and Allyiah - Mommy loves you! Please, don’t do drugs or drink. I love you, and it isn’t worth it!

If I could change anything, I would change giving my kids up. I would never have touched alcohol or drugs if I knew this was where it would lead me.

My advice for parents who are addicts…don’t do drugs or drink! Get help cause you may not think it hurts your kids but it does - just as much as it hurts you to withdraw. It hurts them even more to feel you didn’t want them. Never make your children feel that way!

My advice for grandparents of “kids like me”…Help your grandchildren see their loved-one when no one else does because they are worthy.

My advice for “kids like me”…It’s not your fault no matter how much you may think it is - it isn’t. And, there are still people and loved ones out there who love you and believe in you. Don’t give-up! May the Lord be with you. Amen.

If I woke up tomorrow and everything was perfect - in my eyes that would look like me living a healthy life with my three kids living in a nice house with a beautiful garden, being a happy little family with a loving husband who took my kids in as his own, having a good job, taking my oldest to Head Start. To me, that is what a perfect life to me would be like as the Lord loves us all and watches over us.

My oldest child just turned 6 years old, June 19th. My middle child just turned 3 years old, July 7th, and my baby will be 2 years old, January 12th. Please, let my kids know I love them, and I am sorry for everything, and if you know of any way to help me fight for shared custody, and let them know I never wanted them to go. I want them in my life.

Please help them to see their mother, Jessica. I love them all very, very much and I miss them terribly. They are my children and I want the chance to be their mother. Let Tiffany know I want to see my son, Lucky. And my baby’s daddy, Kevin, I want to see Estella. Why does he keep her from us? Last, but not least, my brother, Randy - if I could see my daughter, Alliyah. He changed her name to Sophia - that hurt me so much. But, please get this out and thank you for all your help to me and everyone in need. Sincerely, Jessica.

Thank you, Jessica! Stand on Mark 11:24. Jesus said, Whatever you ask for when you pray, believe you receive it and you will have it. Thank you for reading my column. Write to me at Amarah’s “Kids Like Me” P.O. Box 354, Alamosa, CO 81101. If you know a kid like me, or parent, who is an addict/alcoholic, please tell him/her about “Amarah’s Corner, Kids Like Me” in the Valley Courier. Tell them to contact me, or you can contact me on their behalf. If you know a kid like me, or parent, who doesn’t have a Bible, but wants one, please, contact me. I’ll make sure he/she gets a Bible, “…and all the earth may know there is a God…” (1 Samuel 17:46, KJV).

Amarah’s “Kids Like Me” offers non-denominational World Bible School (WBS) Bible Correspondence Courses (free/postage paid) in English/Spanish to kids like me (ages 8-12), their parents, and even if you’re not a kid like me! Teens/adults take the WBS Master Series Courses so if you would like the WBS Courses, send your name/age/address and I’ll get you started ASAP! I hope to hear from you soon!

My goal is to help “kids like me” and their parents, too. Until next time, remember, Jesus Loves You, and JESUS IS LORD!