Amarah's Corner: Part I of The Light: Recognize it

“Kids like me” are kids whose parents are drug addicts, and alcoholics, kids who have suffered, or who are suffering, abuse and neglect on multiple levels (trauma), and kids who are victims of bullying.

The Light. Part 1.

You need to learn how to recognize kids like me. If you were to compare, side-by-side, a kid who is blessed to know he or she is loved by a parent(s), grandparent, etc., next to a kid like me (see definition of kids like me above), there is a stark difference.

Most people who look at kids like me see a dirty, unkempt, little yuck; they have no clue about the despair and grief before them. And, sometimes, depending on the age of the child, the little yuck is ill-behaved (we’ll talk about that next week), makes your blood pressure soar, and all you want is to escape him or her ASAP.

But before you turn away there’s something you should do; it only takes a moment. Look closer at his or her face and eyes.

Do you see the light in the face and eyes of that child, or just a blank face with dirt on it? I’m talking about the light. There is no light inside kids like me. I’m talking about the precious light of Hope, the light of confidence knowing he or she is loved, safe and secure; The light that comes from learning about Jesus and the knowledge that He loves them. I’m talking about the light that every child is supposed to have, and has the right to have, burning bright inside them. The light that shines through the child’s eyes, face, and heart — The light of hope.

Reality for kids like me is darkness full of fear, torment, tears, anguish and prayers that someone or something will save them before they die. But I know personally, death is preferable over the reality of life for kids like me, which includes the lack of food (I was so hungry I ate my hair and fingernails. I scrapped for food out of trash cans and off the floor at school, and at the Boys and Girls Club, after school, and put the best food scraps in my pocket for my baby sister).

Reality for kids like me is the never-ending verbal, emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse by the addict parent(s), other addicts and sexual perverts to whom the child is subjected, and the bullying of other adults, such as the child’s school teacher (who is supposed to be a safe person for the child), who bullies, berates, and humiliates the child in front of the class (I can tell you all about it because it happened to me in OMS 6th grade).

Kids like me are everywhere. We’re easy to recognize once you note we are void of the light.

You see us in stores with our abuser(s), at school, in your neighborhood, and even at church. And, some kids like me live in nice houses and have parents who are considered “trusted professionals” and drive nice cars. Sarah was a registered nurse (RN) and we lived in a very nice house (not home — there’s a difference). The outside of the house was very nice, and it had three bedrooms with a huge yard. But, the inside of the house was empty — except for the filthy bathroom and stopped-up kitchen sink full of rotten water. And, the refrigerator had rotten, unidentifiable “things” in it but there was no food for me and my baby sister.

My mother’s room had a large bed, large TV and nightstand but those things belonged to her latest “fiance” because she had sold her things, and everything she stole from grandma, and the toys and clothes that belonged to me and my baby sister, for drugs. And, she was beautiful,which only lent credence to her “professional” status.

I was incomprehensibly abused emotionally, verbally, mentally, and physically by Sarah, her addict fiancé and by my stepfather.

My mother told me she wished I had never been born because I ruined her life. I was just a little child, but I will never forget her words. I didn’t understand because she was my mommy and I loved her and I knew she loved me, even though she forgot she did.

I don’t talk about these things for sympathy. My goal is to educate and bring awareness to everyone within the sound of my voice to wake up and do something on behalf of kids like me. This reality will never “go away” by itself.

Kids like me are praying for help. Please make the decision to make a difference in their lives. Please, don’t wait, make the call, today: 719-589-7805. You don’t have to give your name.

Part 2 next week.

Remember, Jesus loves you and Jesus is Lord!