ARP funds suggestion

Dear Editor,

Our collaborative group consists of Hope for Kids Like Me, Colorado Gators and Padres Adelante Family Services. We live in Alamosa County and coordinate the IOP – Inside Out Project assisting recently released incarcerated men and women in Alamosa. Services such as temporary housing, referrals, weekly Healing Hearts group for recovering individuals and Fatherhood services. We provide a necessary array of services with volunteer help and limited funding.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted my community through loss of employment, lack of housing and mental / physical health issues. Early release from the county jail has put the recently incarcerated in a difficult situation without available resources.

Colorado is receiving an unprecedented $3.8 billion in federal aid under Biden’s American Rescue Plan. The state legislature already laid out a plan for its use, but a lot of things were left out. Now is the time for all Coloradans to think about how we want to spend this money and to tell our Governor and elected officials. That is how democracy works.

One of the things left out was child care/food security/clean energy jobs/essential workers/broadband. United Today, Stronger Tomorrow (UTST) is working to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard while Colorado’s leaders decide where this money goes. I’m asking you to sign this petition telling Colorado to prioritize child care/food security/clean energy jobs/essential workers/broadband. Visit to add your name.

Time is running out - decisions about this money are being made right now. From our petition, we can build a campaign to ensure that the money helps our communities. Sign today to make your voice heard.

Ramon A. Montoya, MSW – Co-Collaborator / Volunteer

Board of Directors, hope for Kids Like Me.