Baca wildlife refuge open house May 13


SAGUACHE COUNTY — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will host an open house event on May 13 at the Baca National Wildlife Refuge near Crestone.

"Refuge staff are excited to meet the public who have been asking when they will be able to visit. During the Open House event, refuge staff will provide the public with presentations and share their knowledge about refuge resources,” said Refuge Manager Ty Benally.

The gates to the refuge will open at 8:45 a.m., and Benally will welcome the public at 9 a.m. and provide refreshments. Friends of the San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge complex will be assisting with the event.

Access to the Baca Refuge Headquarters is from state Highway 17 and County T Road to the refuge entrance. The gravel road on the refuge has a 15-mph speed limit. People are reminded to observe the speed limit to protect the prairie dogs that live in nearby fields on both sides of the road.

At 9:15 a.m., the public will learn about how the refuge's water resources provide habitat to wildlife. At 10 a.m., people can learn about the Rio Grande chub and Rio Grande sucker. Visitors will have the chance to observe these species directly in their Crestone Creek habitat.

Refuge staff will also provide a guided tour, at 11:15 a.m., of the historic buildings near the headquarters office and provide information about the historic ranch that operated here.

Lastly, at 12 p.m., through a guided trail tour, visitors can learn about the Baca National Wildlife Refuge Nature and Heritage Trail, which was completed in 2020, and can learn about another trail project with construction expected to begin later this fall. The refuge gates will close by 1:30 p.m.