Candidate speaks to Alamosa ballot issue


ALAMOSA — During a meet and greet at Locavores in Alamosa Saturday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Robinson voiced his concern for the marijuana ballot issues Alamosa voters will face in November.

“The promise of tax dollars for schools and roads from marijuana has not played out in other communities,” Robinson warned. “The long-term costs will far outweigh the tax dollars and handful of jobs the industry can provide.”

Robinson has long been active in the fight to more strictly regulate the recreational marijuana industry; as a founder of SMART Colorado, Robinson’s focus has been on protecting and educating Colorado’s children on the dangers of marijuana use.

Also discussed during the meeting was Robinson’s vision for expanding economic development in the region. Robinson emphasized the need to build STEM industries statewide to ensure long-term financial resilience.

Robinson has previously released policy papers outlining his plans for transportation and education.

The stop was part of a larger tour through Colorado’s mountain communities.