Celebrate Cities & Towns Week


ALAMOSA — The City of Alamosa is participating in Colorado’s Cities & Towns Week, September 11-17. The week will be dedicated to acknowledging the impact of municipal government and celebrating employees and volunteers who make this community a great place to live, work, and play.

Municipal government plays an important role in the daily impact of the community. Many services that residents rely on in their day-to-day activities come from municipal government. From the streets they drive on, the water they use, and the emergency services they call in a crisis, local government touches many aspects of everyone’s lives.

During this week, cities and towns from across Colorado will partner with Colorado Municipal League (CML), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization to celebrate and bring awareness on the importance of municipal government and its employees and volunteers. The City of Alamosa will celebrate with some events planned throughout the week:

The Mayor’s Art Contest — for all elementary students

Council’s Morning Kick-Start — for all city employees

Lunch with Law Enforcement, Wednesday, September 13th at 11:30 a.m., 502 2nd Street (Cole Park) — open to the public

Storytime at the Library, Friday, September 15th at 9:45 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. — open to the public