Celebrate Sargent church’s 100th anniversary June 24

SARGENT — Carla Worley, chairperson of the Sargent Community Church’s 100th Anniversary committee, is a busy person making sure all the plans are materializing for Sunday, June 24, 2018. Carla is the daughter of Carl and Audrey Worley, and, Carl is the only living member of the building committee of the present church building which was dedicated June 28, 1958.

She invites everyone to come to enjoy the day’s festivities which begin with a worship service at 10:30 followed by lunch provided by the church. The afternoon will include special music, messages from former pastors and reminiscing by those who care to speak of what the rural country church means or meant to them. A time to meet and greet will follow with homemade ice cream and cookies served. 

This rural community church was made up of 9 or 10 Sunday Schools which were held in the one room schools which consolidated in 1917 and became the Sargent Consolidated School District. The church congregation met in the school until the church was built 50 years later and often there were more than 300 attending. With the changes through the years, the numbers have greatly decreased; however, the Spirit which started it is still alive.

Persons may call Carla Worley, 719-850-1780 or Harriet DeFreece 719-852-2126.

Caption: The Sargent congregation gathers after church on June 9, 1948. The old church is no longer standing../Courtesy photo