Chief District Court Judge Gonzales steps down

As part of his duties, Chief District Court Judge Michael Gonzales swore in District Attorney Anne Kelly after her appointment by Governor Jared Polis. Courier photo by John Waters

Will remain on the bench in 12th Judicial District

ALAMOSA — Chief District Court Judge Michael Gonzales will be stepping down from his position as Chief Judge of the 12th Judicial District but plans to remain on the district court bench and preside over a docket. Confirmation of Judge Gonzales’ plans was received in an email to the Valley Courier on Monday morning following a request to the Supreme Court on Friday evening, July 21.

According to Robert McCallum, Public Information Officer with the Colorado Supreme Court, Chief Judge Gonzales informed Chief Justice Brian Boatright of his plans “but will stay on in that capacity until the Chief Justice appoints another judge to take on that role.”

Judge Gonzales’ tenure on the bench in the 12th Judicial District began more than 15 years ago with his appointment to the Alamosa County Court in 2007. Four years later, in 2011, he was appointed by former Governor John Hickenlooper to be district judge.

Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan B. Coats appointed Gonzales to serve as Chief Judge of the 12th Judicial District in October of 2019 when the former Chief Judge Pattie P. Swift retired. Judge Gonzales assumed the role on Jan. 15, 2020.

Judge Gonzales is currently presiding over some of the major cases in the 12th Judicial District, including the case involving Adre Baroz and co-defendants Julius Baroz and Francisco Ramirez which has been in proceedings for close to three years.

McCallum closed his email to the Valley Courier by saying, “(Judge Gonzales) is simply stepping down from the Chief Judge role, as happens from time to time.”

With District Judge Gonzales having only served in his top position for three-and-a-half years, the Valley Courier sent an email asking what prompted him to make a decision to step down. Below is a copy of his resignation letter, submitted on July 14.

 Chief Justice Boatright and the Mighty Twelfth:

I was appointed Chief Judge on January 15, 2020; the past three and a half years have been the most difficult and yet the most rewarding years of my professional career. In those short years, I experienced leadership during a global pandemic, a statewide budget crisis, the Recall of our elected District Attorney, and then when things seemed to be improving, the courts experienced an unfortunate circumstance that led to a crisis of trust and leadership. I am tired and, in many respects, embarrassed at the failures I have had while serving as the leader of this district. While I am confident that we are in a far better state today than we were a year ago, I believe it is time for a change in direction and leadership in the 12th.

I am very proud of the work and dedication of the judges and staff of the 12th Judicial District.

Working beside them over the years has filled me with great joy and pleasure and I truly feel that we are a family. As leader of that family, I must demand the very best for my family. We have made great strides in the past year to form a strong and caring organization and to address past issues of concern. As proud and honored as I am to be Chief to the “Mighty 12th”, I believe that a fresh perspective will serve to make this an even better place to work and make for an even stronger family. There are three very wonderful and dedicated District Court Judges and any one of them would make an incredible Chief Judge.

Thank you for the honor that you have given me for the past three and a half years to serve as Chief of the 12th. I will always cherish my time as Chief and hopefully now I can rest easier transitioning into a role of “administrative ignorance”! It has been an honor to serve alongside you and the other Chief Judges on the Chief Judge Council; we have some wonderful and dedicated leaders in this state. I am happy to continue in this role until you have appointed a new Chief Judge and I will remain available to provide support for that new Chief Judge well into the future.

Finally, to my family here in the 12th. Thank you for always being your best. Thank you for always serving the public with dignity and respect. Thank you for your dedication and compassion and most importantly, thank you for your friendship and the patience that you have shown me as your Chief. I look forward to what the future holds for all of us!


Michael A. Gonzales

Chief Judge