City of Alamosa and Cattails meet on management

ALAMOSA — On Wednesday members of Alamosa City Council and Cattails Golf Course met to discuss the management agreement between the two. Cattails Golf Course has been operating independently with financial support from the city when it was proposed that the City take over the Golf Course. The two sides have been trying to find a middle ground for some time with the agreement expiring this winter.

After holding multiple meetings amongst themselves and together, Wednesday Cattails elected to renew the management agreement with the city. Members of the Cattails membership board suggested a short-term agreement with yearly reviews.

They also discussed the overall disrepair of the parking lot and course trails and the priors’ effect on the course’s equipment.  

The largest concern for both sides is the restaurant half of the business with Rhybax Kitchen the latest casualty of dining instability at the club. Cattail General Manager Jon Atencio assured City Council members that they had a plan, the club intends to rent out the restaurant space until the main golfing season begins anew in March when they would look to permanently lease the space again.  

The two closed the meeting with Cattails having the previous management agreement to review at their next member meeting with possible city approval as soon as Dec. 6.