Clarification on property tax payments

ALAMOSA — Amy McKinley, Alamosa County Treasurer, clarified that a previous announcement to waive interest  on late property taxes is unlawful.  “I need to make all business and property owners aware that Governor Polis nor the County Treasurer can waive interest beyond 30 days even under Emergency Order,” McKinley explained. 

The issue came up when the payment deadline would be extended until July 31, 2020, but this cannot happen unless a Colorado State Statute is changed.  So to clarify, a business or property owner can make their first ½ payment on their property taxes by April 20th and interest will be waived.  The second ½ payment at this point would be due by June 15th.  These dates may change as the COVID19 issues continue; but as of right now this is the latest update.

McKinley went on to apologize for any confusion and encourages anyone with questions or concerns to contact her directly at [email protected] or by calling the office at 719-589-3626.  Until further notice, the Treasurer’s Office is closed to the public because of the governor’s Stay at Home Order. Email or calling and leaving a message with your name and a return phone number is the quickest way to reach Ms. McKinley.