Council must fill vacancy


ALAMOSA — With newly elected Alamosa Mayor Ty Coleman’s at-large seat on council becoming vacant when he takes his oath of office next month, the Alamosa city council is accepting letters of interest from those wishing to fill the remainder of his term.

Coleman was initially appointed from among eight applicants in January 2014 as an at-large city councilman to fill the seat vacated by Josef Lucero when he was elected mayor. Coleman was then elected in 2015 without opposition.

Coleman defeated Mayor Lucero earlier this month and will be seated as Alamosa’s next mayor during the December 6th city council meeting.

Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez told the council during its Wednesday evening meeting that it was up to the council how it wanted to fill Coleman’s vacancy on the council. In the past the council has accepted letters of interest, interviewed applicants and appointed a new councilor from among the applicants, she explained.

Martinez added that a few people had expressed interest to her in the opening on council. She had not yet advertised the opening, she added, but could begin that process if that is what the council wanted to do.

Councilman Jan Vigil recommended the same process as occurred when Coleman was initially appointed to the council including the advertisement, letters of interest and interviews. He said at that time he proposed a ranking system of applicants, and he recommended that system be used again. Coleman agreed with that recommendation.

Alamosa City Manager Heather Brooks said since the council would only be seeking letters of interest, the advertising period would not need to be lengthy, maybe a couple of weeks, and the council could decide during its December 6th meeting how to proceed at that point. Martinez said the application deadline could be December 1.

“I would like to have the new person appointed and in by that first meeting in January,” Vigil said.

Rural Alamosa County resident Ron Brink during the public comment period of Wednesday’s city council meeting congratulated the election winners and thanked those who did not win but have served on council.

“You care about the community, as everyone that wants to serve does,” Brink said, “so thank you, thank you, thank you.”

During Wednesday’s council meeting Coleman thanked everyone who participated in the election process whether through a city or school board race or ballot issue.

“That’s how we make our town great,” he said.

He specifically thanked each of the city council and mayoral candidates “for running a very professional race, and thank you for your service. It’s greatly appreciated in our community.”