County bans fireworks


ALAMOSA — Alamosa County commissioners on Wednesday approved the Alamosa County Fireworks Ban, the first since 2002 and in line with a similar ban passed by the Alamosa city council.

Alamosa County Sheriff Robert Jackson asked to ban all fireworks sales in the county due to the stage 1 fire ban and public health and safety issues.

Jackson said it was his worry and the fire chief’s worry that the city-wide ban will push firework sales into the county.

This ban goes into immediate effect banning the sale, use, and possession of fireworks until September 1, unless, the county commissioners or the sheriff’s office decides otherwise.

Public Health Director Della Cox-Vieira said she was in full support of the board taking action at this time in the interest of public health and safety.

The only exceptions in the ordinance are commercial or community firework displays that have to be authorized by the county. For the rest of the community, the only “fireworks” allowed in possession are toy caps or party poppers that do not contain more than 16 milligrams of pyrotechnic composition.

This ordinance also applies the same stipulations to those who are from areas outside of Alamosa County who are in possession, have the intent to sell or use fireworks on any public, private, or federal lands in the county.

The sheriff and his deputies have the authority to issue a penalty notice and take someone into temporary custody if they are violating the ban.

The penalty assessment by any arresting enforcement officer follows:

  1. $250 for the first offense.
  2. $500 for the second offence within 180 days of the first offense.
  3. $750 for the third offense within 180 days of the first offense.
  4. $1,000 for each additional offense within 180 days of the first offense.
  5. In addition to the penalty given, persons convicted of a violation of this ordinance are subject to a surcharge of $10.

County Commissioner Helen Sigmond said, “We can still enjoy it in public so I’m in support of this.”

Kristin Hicks is an intern with the Valley Courier this summer.