County certifies mill levies


ALAMOSA — Following the adoption of the Alamosa County budget on Dec. 6, the county commissioners certified the mill levies for 2018 on Wednesday. The total assessed valuation of all entities in the county is $1,185,596,703 and after calculations the certified mill levy revenue total is $13,909,448.

Of that levy total, $6,875,670 is for schools while $7,033,778 is for local government.

Alamosa School District RE-11J's mill levy revenue is $5,213,199. The mill levy for Center School District RE-26JT is $5,603. North Conejos School District RE-1J will receive $20,312 in mill levy revenue. Sanford School District RE-6J's levy revenue is $17,469. Sangre School District RE-22J has a mill levy revenue of $1,251,468 and Sargent School District RE-33J's is for $367,619.

The respective boards have already approved all of their individual mill levies. "We basically just collect everything from all of these districts, put it together and double check it to make sure we're certifying the right amounts," said Alamosa County Chief Financial Officer Brittney DeHerrera.

The county's own mill levy revenue is $4,427,841. The city of Alamosa has a mill levy revenue of $548,262 and the town of Hooper's levy revenue is for $7,130.

All other local improvement and service districts, such as mosquito and weed control, fire districts and water conservation districts have a total mill levy revenue of $2,050,555.