County changes airline request to Boutique Air


ALAMOSA — Two weeks ago, the Alamosa County Commissioners listened to presentations from three airline services interested in the Essential Air Service contract here.

Two new airlines, California Pacific Airlines (Aerodynamics Inc.) and Denver Air Connect, made presentations along with current air service provider Boutique Air.

After initially making a decision to send a recommendation for California Pacific Airlines to the Department of Transportation, the commissioners reconsidered their recommendation and are now requesting the EAS contract be awarded to the current service provider Boutique Air.

Discussion at the Wednesday county commissioners meeting included the lack of connection with the California Pacific Airlines to United Airlines, which Boutique Air has.

There are still some concerns with the current air services, but the commissioners hope to improve those and work on a contract that works for both parties involved.

Although the deadline to submit comments on the EAS contract to the Department of Transportation has passed, the county is still going to submit a new recommendation for Boutique Air to receive the contract. The ultimate decision will be up to the Department of Transportation.