Creede Arts Council invites ideas to refresh the Willow Creek Journal


CREEDE—The Creede Arts Council is looking for input from the community to improve the Willow Creek Journal (WCJ). The journal has been published by the CAC for 22 years. People of all ages who are inspired by Creede, its community and beautiful surroundings have submitted paintings, poetry, stories, and photos with hopes of being included in the WCJ.

The Creede Arts Council will take a year off from publishing the journal to reflect and re-invent it. Everything is on the table. Is it printed and distributed to local business? Should it become an online journal? Does the format or content need to change? How does CAC encourage people to create and submit their work?

All input is welcome: let CAC know what you enjoyed about the WCJ and suggestions to make it even better. Please send ideas and comments to the Creede Arts Council at