Creede has several seats open


CREEDE— The Creede Town Board of Trustees has three seats open for election this coming April and petitions are available until Jan. 22.

According to Town Clerk Randi Snead, Trustees Frank Freer and Dana Brink are finishing up their two-year terms while Trustee Catherine Kim will be finishing her four-year term. “The other seats are half way through their four-year terms and the mayor’s seat will not be up until the year 2020. Now is the time to come and be a part of your community,” said Snead.

In addition to the trustee openings, there are also seats available on the Planning and Zoning Board as well as the Virginia Christensen Advisory board. Each seat comes with a list of responsibilities those that wish to run will have to meet in order to be eligible, the most important being that individuals that run will have to be full-time residents who reside in city limits.

“Creede’s primary legislative body is formed by a mayor and six trustee seats that serve four overlapping terms, with the exception of early resignations by former trustees,” said Snead.

The board of trustees host two public meetings per month with scheduled work sessions in between or when necessary. Those that serve on the board should have the desire to move the community forward and be willing to bring new innovative thinking to the table. According to Snead, “The board serves to implement infrastructure improvements, continuously work to improve service to the community as a whole and collaborate with the rest of the board in making decisions that profoundly affect the community of Creede.”

Those who may be interested in serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission would participate in legislative recommendations to the board of trustees, land use decisions and community planning. Effective commissioners work to protect property and help the board plan for the future. According to the description, “The Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Creede is tasked with a wide variety of land use recommendations, comprehensive planning and other decisions that profoundly affect our community’s well-being.”

The Virginia Christensen Advisory Board is looking for one participant willing to oversee the investment of over one million dollars. The fund was set up for the City of Creede to allocate each fall to organizations that help make the community a better place. Several local organizations use the funding to help promote or create new events in the area, improve recreational opportunities and fund programs in the area. Those who are interested are required to attend annual meetings and conferences, review potential applications and attend fall work sessions when required.

“The petitions to serve on each of these three boards are available now until Jan. 22 and can be picked up at the town hall. I also have a public list of people who have picked up petitions for those who want to see who may be running,” finished Snead.

For more information, contact Snead at 658-2276.