Creede Repertory Theatre welcomes new marketing director


CREEDE—The Creede Repertory Theatre is pleased to welcome new Marketing Director Jenna Jernigan to the team. Jernigan comes to the theatre with a business degree from Texas Tech, with a minor in theatre, which will help in her new position.

Jernigan came to Creede in May after receiving a call from a friend to come and spend a season in the small mountain town. According to Jernigan, she and her fiancé fell in love with the area and decided to pack their bags and head from Lubbock, Texas to Creede.

“I fell in love with the theatre and the huge, special part it played in the community of Creede. I decided to interview for the open marketing position and was thrilled to be chosen for the job,” said Jernigan. After spending a season with the live theatre, Jernigan began to contemplate what she could do through her marketing position to help the theatre grow and become more involved within the community that helped build the growing theatrical giant.

“The community helped build the theatre, in the beginning, the community was what housed the actors and actresses, built the stage props and other technical necessities. I want to go back out to the community and see that it can grow and flourish through the theatre. I want to establish a hand-in-hand relationship,” explained Jernigan. She said one of her main goals as the new marketing director is to see that the community benefits as much as possible from the growing fame of the theatre.

Her next goal will be to see that the theatre maintains a professional image and share that image with the theatrical world outside of Creede. “Even though we have been known for an educational theatre where students come to learn, we are still a professional theatre with professional actors and actresses from around the globe. I want to see that we maintain that image. Just because we are not in New York doesn’t mean we are not professional,” said Jernigan.

Jernigan will be working closely with Educational Director Johamy Morales to see that the educational aspect of the theatre is also well maintained. “I love our educational program and everything we do to include these exceptional children. The Kids Show is one of my all-time favorite plays this season, and I am excited to be a part of that this coming year,” Jernigan said.

Jernigan is looking forward to the whole Creede experience. “I have never seen the fall trees change, and I have never lived in a wintery place. I am looking forward to the experience while learning about the community of Creede. I fell in love with this place and I can’t wait to grow and learn as I go.”

Jernigan will start as the new marketing director at the beginning of November.