Donna K's Cat Tales: Ear tip but do not de-claw cats


First, as always, I’d like to thank all of the folks that so generously, donate cat food, time and money to the feral, abandoned and misplaced cats and kittens in the San Luis Valley.

I’d also like to send our condolences to the family of Kay Thompson.  She recently passed away in Manassa. Kay and her family were our long-time friends and we will miss her dearly. She was a God-send to all of the people she knew and to the animals that she took care of. Her passion was to help the “helpless.” She will be missed as well.

On October 5, 6, 7 and 8, spay and neuter clinics came to the Alamosa Road and Bridge Building for both dogs and cats. They fixed over 400 animals free to the owners. Executive Director Aimee Henneman and her associates came from Durango, Kristin DesMarais with PawsCo from Denver and Lisa Petri from Colorado Welfare League in Castle Rock. We are so blessed to have these veterinarians and their volunteers preform these services. It is my understanding that they still have a waiting list of 200 animals when they come again.

When you have your pet cat spayed or neutered, please tell the doctor that you consent to have it “ear tipped.” They will clip the left ear when it is under the anicteric and they will feel no pain. This is so important to people that work in the field because even the tame kitties get loose occasionally and we can easily tell if they have been “fixed.”

Also, a reminder, never, never, have your cat de-clawed. This is the most inhumane and cruel thing that you could do to your pet as they take off his or her paw at the first joint. I have found that a way to prevent our animal from sharpening its claws on the furniture is to buy a little bottle of deterrent at almost any pet section. It has a nice fragrance and it’s inexpensive.

I’ll close for now. We’ll keep your informed as to when the next TNR clinics will be in the valley. 


Sincerely, Donna K, 589-5952 580-9078