Dunes seeks vendor applications


SAND DUNES — Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is accepting Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) applications and proposals from businesses interested in firewood sales, and incidental visitor services such as the sale of sunscreen, insect repellent, limited camping supplies and vended beverages.

Great Sand Dunes intends on issuing one CUA for vended beverage service and one CUA for the sale of firewood and limited camping supplies. More specifically, the park is looking for a business who can manage firewood sales and incidental visitor services beginning in mid-May and ending mid-October for a minimum of three hours, five evenings a week including Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings. The hours of operation may be extended but the schedule of operation must be consistent with the hours that the operator is required to display to the public.

The sale of firewood and incidental visitor items over the past three years averaged over $20,000. Based on attention to operational management, the potential may exist for an increase of future revenue.

In addition, the park is looking for a business interested in stocking and selling vending machines beverages at various locations within the park on a year-round basis. The sale of vended beverages has seen an annual gross of over $9,000 over the past three years.

A completed proposal package, including a CUA application and an application fee of $200 must be submitted to the Park by 4 p.m. on Feb. 1, 2018. Applications and more information on necessary documentation needed for the proposal are located at https://www.nps.gov/grsa/getinvolved/do-business-with-us.htm. If selected, the business will be charged a building use fee of $100 to occupy the camp store in the Pinon Flats Campground for the sale of firewood and incidental visitor services. In addition, the holder of the CUA must provide the park with proof of commercial general and automobile liability insurance.

For more information, contact, Dale Culver at 719-378-6321 or dale_culver@nps.gov. Additional CUA information including approved business opportunities within Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve can be found on the park’s website.