Export proposal headlines September CWCB meeting

ALAMOSA — The Colorado Water Conservation Board’s September meeting concluded on Thursday at the Rio Grande Water Conservation District office. While there was a wide variety of water-related issues from across the state discussed, the Renewable Water Resources export proposal took center stage once again. Heather Dutton, Rio Grande Basin Director, updated the board on the issue. She began by mentioning an article in Monday’s edition of the Denver Post that highlighted the proposal.

Dutton reminded the board that Renewable Water Resources seeks to acquire 30,000 feet acres worth of water rights in the San Luis Valley for delivery to an unidentified client in the South Platte Basin. The leaders of the proposal have claimed that the project would also bring the establishment of a $50 million community fund for the Basin calling it a “win-win situation for the Valley. There are also claims that the Basin is “under a legal obligation to retire wells.”

Dutton adamantly expressed her belief that the statements are false. She further noted that the Rio Grande Basin is already “fully over appropriated.” She went on to point out that the Basin’s aquifer system can recover to a certain extent, with the requirements to replace injurious depletions that already exist. Dutton concluded her remarks by rejecting the idea that the proposal would be a “win-win” situation for the San Luis Valley. She encouraged her fellow directors to reach out to herself or RGWCD General Manager, Cleave Simpson with questions or comments.