Guest Opinion: Celebrating World Breastfeeding Month—One woman's heartfelt story


A breastfeeding journey brings many unforeseen circumstances. Those of us that have a list of struggles that came with our learning experience can say it is a job, but no other job will give you the same benefits and joys of bonding with your baby!

I was unsuccessful breastfeeding my now 5-year-old and I would not have made it this far the second time around without my support system. My supervisor was flexible with my schedule and allowed me to bring him to work until he was 6 months old. My co-workers were always available to help out if he became fussy during my appointments. My lactation counselors, Amanda and Marya with the Colorado WIC Texting Program, can tell you I was always calling or texting for questions and concerns. And without my husband standing by my side telling me it was okay, and my parents taking care of him when he couldn’t come to work anymore, my baby boy and I would not have made it this far!

I want women to know that even with the training I had and teaching women about breastfeeding almost every day, I still struggled with latch and was told by my baby’s pediatrician that I had to supplement with formula because he was losing too much weight. I dealt with the horror of post-partum blues, and if that is not enough, thrush was a pain! But looking into my now 17-month-old baby boy’s eyes while he nurses and his fingers stroke my face and my hair, I have a feeling that can never be put into words but only experienced, and that should motivate anyone to just keep trying!