La Llave Family Resource Center celebrates with open house


ALAMOSA—La Llave Family Resource Center staff came together with supporters from the community, funders and friends to celebrate the official opening of their new location.

Executive Director Coral Hartless welcomed everyone and thanked the staff and community members who had devoted so much of their own time to making the new building a great place to help families reach their goals. Much of the LLFRC staff works as home visitors, checking in at the office for meetings, staffing, and supplies, which means that an open workspace and ample storage offered the best way to accommodate every person.

Beginning in December, Hartless and her family have spent nearly every weekend and spare hour devoted to renovating the space at 2303 State Ave. Other staff members and the community contributed their time and skills to the project as they were available.

To thank Hartless for all of her hard work and dedication, LLFRC staff presented her with a plaque and two bouquets of flowers. The open house, held on April 14, signaled the end of the first phase of work for the LLFRC move. They have plans to finish some details within the building and to improve the building exterior and grounds.

Now that LLFRC is settling into their new space, they are working to continue serving families in their Parents as Teachers, SafeCare, Nurturing Father’s Program and Family Development programs. Currently, they have openings in Parents as Teachers in Alamosa, Costilla and Saguache counties. PAT offers twice-monthly home visits to support parents in better understanding child development, teaching their children, and reaching their own goals.

Progress on the LLFRC building, programming and more can be found on their Facebook page Anyone interested in learning more about LLFRC and their programs can contact them at 589-9688 or visit 2303 State Ave. 

Caption: LLFRC staff attending the open house are: Back row: Chance Padilla, Esther Gamboa, Sarita Estrada, Jeff Bilderbeck, Pauline Palacios, Toni Steffens-Steward, Merlinda Cellura Lopez, Lupe Lira, Kari Maldonado, Marie Harrelson, Silvia Martinez and Bill Lambert. Front row: Charlon McKibbon, Sue Serak, Coral Hartless, Barb Hillin and Brenda Padilla. Courtesy photo