Labor Day Weekend in Creede


Charlene Ameel, left, offers fruit salsa at the Off Broadway station during this Saturday’s annual Creede Salsa Fest. Enjoying the sample and checking their scorecard are Tami Off of Del Norte and Bob Jensen of Fort Worth, TX. Winners included: Overall and Fruit- Cascada/Pizzeria 5280, Red- Dragonfly Flats, Green- San Juan Sports, Freestyle- Mac Mine.

Jenna Fairchild looks intense as she cruises Creede’s main street en route to victory in the teen division of the annual Labor Day weekend Gravity Derby on Sunday. Other winners were Lucy Brittain, youth, and Robert Goodwin, adult.

Just finished taking a “selfie”, Ginger Twichell (right) and Harriott Ehrhardt from Wason Ranch are excited over their hot air balloon ride during a rally in Creede this past weekend. Pilot Raul Oliva of Hotchkiss fires up the burner in preparation for take-off.

At least nine hot air balloons participated in the annual Labor Day balloon festival in Creede this weekend. This participant, piloted by Raul Oliva of Hotchkiss, nears the Wason Ranch just south of Creede with passengers Ginger Twichell and Harriott Ehrhardt from the Ranch.