Lane shift work continues

Work continues with adjustments to stoplights at State and Main to allow traffic flow to be cut from three lanes to two through downtown Alamosa.

CDOT contractors are shown adjusting the stoplights at Main and State in downtown Alamosa as work continued Thursday to reduce traffic flow from three driving lanes to two between Denver and Edison Avenues. Construction includes restriping driving lanes and installing curb stops and bollards as safety barriers to develop an activated space for downtown businesses. Main Street is expected to be closed to one lane of traffic through Friday and will again be partially closed from July 26-30 as city crews install the curb stops and bollards. The additional 11’ of pedestrian space on each side of Main Street will be used for outdoor dining, retail display, seating, art installations, planters and other interactive uses. Lane reduction is a proven method of “traffic calming” to reduce vehicle speed and improve safety for pedestrians.

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