Lean In Lunch features Audrey Reich Loy

Audrey Reich Loy

ALAMOSA — Lean In Lunch will host Audrey Reich Loy on Tuesday, November 13, from 12-1:30 p.m. at Vista’s Restaurant, Adams State University, 208 Edgemont Blvd., Alamosa.

Audrey is the newly appointed Director of Primary Care Operations at San Luis Valley Health. Prior to this, Audrey has worked in the healthcare industry for about 15 years, and has maintained a passion for advocating for and supporting individuals in developing into their best selves.

As a co-founder of the SLV Lean In Lunch series, she is excited to come full circle, speaking about her own journey - what she’s learned, and what she’s still learning, along the way. Her hope is to encourage a conversation about wellness and resilience within the context of leadership development.

There will be a delicious lunch, time for networking, and a chance to hear from one of our own amazing community leaders.

For tickets go to:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lean-in-lunch-with-audrey-reich-loy-tickets-51349860816?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MTUyODk1ODcvamdlaWdlckBhbGFtb3NhbmV3cy5jb20vMA%3D%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=attend

For more information contact Liz at [email protected]