Letter to the editor: In support of Diane Bush


We in Eagle County know what a great State Representative Diane Mitsch Bush is and know what an outstanding U.S. representative she would make.

Diane understands that western and southern Colorado suffer from outrageously high health insurance premiums, little or no broadband service, crumbling transportation infrastructure, and lack of economic and educational opportunities for everyone.  In this time of polarization, she has worked successfully across the aisle for western Colorado, particularly on transportation and water issues.

Diane has done far more for Western Colorado as a state representative than Scott Tipton has done as U.S. representative. She is not wealthy, as Rep. Tipton is. She is not beholden to large corporations. Please check into her site: http://www.dianeforcolorado.com. If you like what you see, she can use every little bit you can afford to send. We need a strong, intelligent fighter to represent Colorado’s District 3 in Washington. We believe Diane Mitsch Bush is that person.

Katherine Delanoy, Barbara Holden, Cathy Blaser, Linda Carr, Harriet Davis,

Eagle County

Cora Sperry, Routt County

Theresa Lepthien, Conejos County