Letter to the Editor: Sargent Willy Squires: a hero

On July 3 I was involved in a life changing accident which took me leg.

Some of you may know me as Coach Miguel Hurtado Grizzly MMA standup coach while others may know me as Roscoe, president and founder of The San Luis Valley Theatre Company.

Whichever the case may be, many people were involved in the saving of this particular life which I have always attempted to live as a worthy one.

I realize there would not have been a life but for this Super Team:

Officer Willey Squires who placed a tourniquet on my leg and began cranking away... “stop, stop that’s too much” I pleaded, to which Officer Willis stated, “Just a couple more turns were almost done”. Arrgg, grin and bear it.

Gary the EMT guy, Dr. Christ the surgeon, Nurses Rickie and Peter, CNA Dave, my wife Diane Saucier who is a nurse of 35 years and never left my side and my daughter, Dr. Gizelle Hurtado Ph.D. who was very instrumental working along-side me in making me as comfortable as possible.

It is for certain that if Sargent Willy Squires had not kept me alive long enough for the Super Team to take over that team would have had to work on someone else.

This is the man I consider to be my HERO, Sargent Willy Squires of the Alamosa Police Department. Thank you for your quick action officer Willy Squires - my hero.

Miguel Hurtado

a.k.a. Roscoe