Letter to the Editor: Shriver served county with integrity


As a new year begins, I want to take this opportunity to thank Karla Shriver for her service to Rio Grande County and the San Luis Valley. Karla has served as Rio Grande County Commissioner for the last eight years, and in the last three years, I have had the unique opportunity to observe her in action. I have watched her in different situations and no matter the question or the issue, her first thought was always to consider what was best for the county and its citizens. When matters became contentious, she approached the issues with the same intention: to benefit the county. There have been many times when she could have taken a road that would benefit a certain group, or a particular agenda, or her own preference, and she did not. In fact, the only times I saw her become emotional, were when she had to face down lies and untruths. In many ways, it appeared to me that Karla guided the board’s moral compass. These things happen naturally, and I know that the new Board of County Commissioners will also develop the same sort of collective conscience.

Karla is a woman of integrity and compassion. We have been lucky to have her as our representative. I can hardly wait to see what she does next. Trust me, we will all be the better for it. Thank you, Karla, for your passion, your honor, and your service.

Mona Syring

Monte Vista