Letter to the editor: So many errors Mr. Boyd

The Letter from Mr. Boyd on 10/13 is so full of factual errors we are compelled to deal with it. 

The key points embedded in the ballot question should ease concerns. 1) The amount of bond and grant funds is fixed at $45.11M ($17.95 bond and $27.16 grant). That’s it, no more. If there are cost overruns, the project must be scaled down to keep it within budget. This is not a blank check for the school to spend whatever it wants.   

District taxes are proposed to be increased by $1.45M. That’s it, no more. If property values district wide increase, the mills to pay the bond will decrease. There can be no runaway taxes because of the school bond, TABOR prevents it. 

The bond rate is estimated for planning purposes at 5 percent, which is higher than expected. I would think that by the time a bond is structured, we will see a lower rate than planned. I’d bet it’s less than 4 percent and once that rate is set, it is fixed for the 20 year duration of bond.  This is not a limitless proposal.

A new single campus provides important improvements to safety and traffic concerns. There will also be significant operational and educational efficiencies. The BEST system looks favorably on the consolidated campus model for these reasons. Further, the current school buildings are among the worst in the state and need to be replaced.  That is why BEST is willing to put up $27M or 60 percent in grant money for this project. If we don’t capture this moment to obtain the grant, we may not get another opportunity. 

Lastly, there is serious interest in repurposing some of the old buildings. There is a unique opportunity to solve other community problems with this proposal. 

There are many reasons why Del Norte must seize this moment. Please vote YES on 3A. 

Mike Hurst

Committee for Better Del Norte Schools
