Letter to the editor: Support April 17th tax march


On April 17 from 4–5:30 p.m. at the Pueblo Main Post Office, 1022 Fortino Blvd., there will be a Tax March. We should not be subsidizing large tax breaks for the wealthy by ripping away healthcare coverage from individuals.

The Trump Tax bill that our Congressman Scott Tipton voted FOR repealed the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the impact of this will be fewer people insured and healthcare premiums will increase. By 2019, four million less Americans will have health insurance. And for those who will retain their health insurance, premiums will increase steadily.

On top of this, the tax bill adds an astounding $1.5 trillion to the national debt. Republicans in Congress have proposed covering this debt by making deep cuts to Medicaid, thereby tossing more people off health insurance. Our community needs quality healthcare, and I am tired of the continued attacks.

Will you be at the tax march?

Barbara Tidd
