Letter to the editor; Vote ‘yes’ on Alamosa’s 2A


I am urging Alamosa City voters to be very careful when voting for the marijuana issues on this year’s Alamosa city ballot.  Even if you do NOT wish to approve the allowance of the marijuana stores (either retail or medical), it would be wise to vote YES on Ballot number 2A which approves taxation of the retail sales of marijuana. By voting YES to this particular item, you are not endorsing or condoning the approval of the sale of marijuana. The ballot has particular wording within it that states, “…only in the event that retail marijuana facilities are permitted in the city of Alamosa…”

A “No” vote will not allow an increase on taxes on retail (recreation) marijuana or medicinal marijuana products in the event that the voters determine that marijuana facilities should be allowed within the city. The city will not receive additional funds for regulatory and enforcement needs.

In summary, regardless of how you feel about approving the sale of retail marijuana, a YES vote on 2A will allow taxation to be imposed of 5 percent in case the retail sales of marijuana are approved by voters.

I sit on the board of the Alamosa County Economic Development Corporation, and the board has also endorsed the Yes Vote on 2A.


Donna P. Wehe