Local groups provide dictionaries


LA JARA — On November 16 the Conejos County Rotary Club and Costilla County Economic Development Corporation delivered dictionaries to third grade students in Conejos and Costilla counties.

“The club is an enthusiastic supporter of promoting literacy projects and with the Economic Development Corporation joining us, we send a message about cooperation and the important role of service clubs in our community,” said Club Member Julie Gomez-Nuanes.

The dictionaries are child-friendly, with more than 32,000 entries, parts of speech, punctuation and pronunciation and dictionary guides.   

“We go into each third grade classrooms and hand out a dictionary to each student and once they sign their name in their book, we give them a word to look up,” Gomez-Nuanes said.

“The students and teachers appreciate the dictionaries,” said Club Member Jason Coombs. 

The club would like to thank all who donated to this project. For more information, contact Conejos County Rotary Club at P.O. Box 145 La Jara, Co  81140.      

Caption: The third grade class at Sierra Grande receives dictionaries courtesy of the Conejos County Rotary Club and Costilla County Economic Development Corporation. Courtesy photo