Manassa man charged with sex assault

By Sylvia Lobato


CONEJOS COUNTY — Francisco Andrade, 26, Manassa, has been charged with sexual assault in Conejos County and as of Thursday was in custody in the Conejos County Jail.

He is scheduled for a hearing on advisement of charges on Monday, Oct. 16.

Although no information was available from local law enforcement agencies, the district attorney’s office confirmed that Andrade had been taken into custody on a sexual assault charge in Conejos County.

No information was released by the Conejos County Sheriff’s Office, and Manassa Police Chief Patrick Lucvak said, “The situation of this case is too sensitive for the public to be made aware as of right now.”

Andrade is an employee of the Alamosa County Department of Human Services and was placed on administrative leave when he was arrested.

Alamosa County Attorney Jason Kelly stated, “I can confirm that upon notification of Mr. Andrade’s arrest, he was immediately placed on administrative leave and his cases will be reassigned. Any investigation into Mr. Andrade’s criminal activities will be through the DA’s office and/or by Conejos County DSS. We will certainly monitor those investigations and take further action as necessary.”