Mariachi San Luis plans reunion


VALLEY — All former and current Mariachi San Luis members are invited to celebrate the group’s 20th anniversary in 2018.

The MSL board of directors plans something special to celebrate this auspicious occasion. The board will host a one-day workshop and concert featuring past and present members on a weekend in April 2018. The group will also have a potluck like the good old days.

It will be fun to get together to reminisce about the old days and make some wonderful music. Dust off those instruments, tone up those fingers and lips and join in celebrating 20 wonderful years of mariachi music.

Those interested in participating in this event please contact Marlene Vigil, Frank Vigil, Marie Gomez or Mike Gomez with current contact information and pass the word along to other mariachi buddies.

The sooner contacts are made, the sooner everyone can prepare music, meals, facilities, etc.

Mariachi San Luis has had approximately 180 students involved in the past.

Contact Frank and Marlene Vigil at 11614 C.R. 21, San Luis, 81152; 719-672-4470, home; 719-480-9928, Marlene’s cell; 719-588-4470, Frank’s cell; email:; or email

Contact Mike and Marie Gomez at P.O. Box 303, San Luis 81152; 719-672-3667, home; 719-850-0634, cell; or email

Caption: Mariachi San Luis will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2018 and invites former and current members to join in the celebration./Courtesy photo