Marketing board declines interim director offer


ALAMOSA — Though relations between The Alamosa County Local Marketing District Board and San Luis Valley Development Resources Group have mended, the board decided to decline SLVDRG Executive Director Kevin Wilkins’ offer to serve as interim director.

Instead, staff and board members will work together and manage the required duties themselves while they look for someone to replace Alamosa Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Jamie Greeman, who resigned on Sept. 19.

“We send our thanks and appreciation to Kevin,” board member Matt Abbey said during their Thursday meeting. “We appreciate his help and we’ve come up with an alternative solution.”

The rejected offer, presented to the board at their last meeting on Sep. 28 as copies of an email conservation, said that Wilkins would assess the structure and fiscal position of the organization for $2,500 for three months of work. He also suggested administrative meetings with the staff for $300 per week and managing accounting and human resources at $1,000 per month.

Not aware of the fact that Greeman offered to assist in the transition, Wilkins apologized for any confusion that his suggestion may have caused.

“What came across as a proposal was just a sketch as to what options could look like,” Wilkins said at the meeting. “It was an overture only. If the board would choose not to entertain any of those options that’s perfectly fine.”

Wilkins said that he is still open to assist with recruitment for free.

“It’s purely whatever we can do to serve your needs in this interim period. If there’s any deficits you feel like you need some assistance with. I’ve been through half a dozen nonprofit organizational transitions myself. I know there are challenges in transitioning that may or may not be considered.”

During that September meeting the board decided to wait until they met with Wilkins in person to discuss. However they did not have any questions for him on Thursday. The decision to pass on the offer followed a brief executive session after Wilkins gave his public comment.

The board is still searching for an executive director and wants the staff member hired by the start of 2018.