More thoughts on homelessness

Thanks to all who expressed appreciation for my last letter. I want to share a few more thoughts on homelessness. Often we hear that the solution for the homeless is “Get a Job.” Those who say this may not be aware that many of the homeless have jobs. If you’ve been following the situation in Summit County (which is actually happening in every community), you know what I mean. They are reporting a large number of their workers are living in their cars. This is because the number of low-cost rental houses and apartments are disappearing. Now you can’t fault people who own these properties for taking advantage of improving housing markets, but it still creates a problem. You could also suggest that business owners pay their workers more. But small businesses, particularly post-pandemic, can’t always do that.

Some people would suggest that the homeless could work 2-3 jobs, forgetting that often there are children involved, and that means daycare. If you’re paying for daycare, and making low wages, you probably can’t afford rent. You see, it’s a vicious circle and there are no easy answers. Solving the problem of homelessness is going to require a lot of people who care and can offer solutions.

So the next time you yell “Get a Job”  at a person on the street, or make that suggestion in an article, you might think twice. They may be working harder than you are.

By the way, there was an excellent article on Homelessness several weeks ago in the Valley Courier. It should be required reading for everyone with an opinion on this subject.

Nancy Mead