Motz returns from mission


ALAMOSA — Ammon Motz, son of Jeff and Kathryn Motz from Alamosa, recently returned from serving a Spanish-speaking mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.  Motz served in the Arizona Scottsdale Mission and spent most of his time in the Phoenix, Show-low, and White Mt. areas. Motz began his mission for language training by spending six weeks in the Mission Training Center located in Mexico City.

Motz reports that serving this mission was the greatest experience he has had in life so far. He knows his mission is a springboard to many great experiences to come in his life. Motz reports his mission taught him several life lessons. As he learned to be a better person, he was inspired to help others more and serve them as the Lord would. He learned to be more self-reliant, to persevere through tough times, and to help others endure through the trials in their lives. He learned humility from the people he served, and grew in his understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Motz learned to have faith in, and accept the Lord’s will and timing. He did his best to invest himself 100 percent for the Lord and the people he served, and when he did this, his love for the Lord and the Lord’s people grew. He found that serving the Lord with all his heart influenced his attitude and actions and he became a benefit to others. When people accepted the Lord’s gospel, the Spirit was strong in their lives and the Lord’s hand was apparent. Motz wants everyone to know that the Lords loves us, and will support us through our trials. All we need to do is to seek His help and try each day to be a better person.

Motz plans on staying in the valley and working until January. Then he plans on seeking an education to become a lawyer.