MVPD officer receives United States Department of Justice award

Courtesy photo Detective Zeke Sisneros of the Monte Vista Police Department was one of 19 law enforcement officers from across the United States to receive an award from United States Attorney General Merrick Garland. Attending the ceremony with Detective Sisneros was MVPD Chief George Dingfelder.

Detective Zeke Sisneros of the Monte Vista Police Department was one of 19 law enforcement officers from across the United States to receive an award from United States Attorney General Merrick Garland at a ceremony on June 5 at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC.

The Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Community Policing recognizes individual state, local, or tribal sworn rank-and-file police officers, deputies and troopers for exceptional efforts in effective policing. Eligible candidates must be in a nonsupervisory position at the time the activities/programs/initiatives for which they are being nominated took place.  The winning officers, deputies and or troopers will have demonstrated active exceptional performance in one of three areas:

  • Innovations in Community Policing
  • Criminal Investigations
  • Field Operations

Within each of these categories, awards were given to sworn police officers, deputies and troopers serving within small, medium, and large jurisdictions.

  • Small: Agencies serving populations fewer than 50,000
  • Medium: Agencies serving populations 50,000 to 250,000
  • Large: Agencies serving populations over 250,000

Detective Sisneros was recognized for his work in drug and weapons investigations, his partnership with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and other federal agencies; and his continued cooperation and work with federal law enforcement partners.

Attending the ceremony with Detective Sisneros was MVPD Chief George Dingfelder. Detective Sisneros was one of the 19 recipients chosen of over 200 applications submitted to the Department of Justice for consideration for this prestigious award.

“The Monte Vista Police Department is extremely proud of Detective Sisneros and his continued effort to remove drugs from the streets of our community. We will continue to pursue those who deal the poison that is affecting so many of our citizens and bring them to justice,” Dingfelder stated.