New mayor takes office


Alamosa's new Mayor Ty Coleman, left, is sworn in by Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez, right, Wednesday night at city hall. Mayor Coleman's first official meeting held a full agenda and lasted until nearly 11 p.m.

Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez, right, administers the oath of office to new Municipal Judge James McDonald, left, during Wednesday night's city council meeting. New Mayor Ty Coleman, center, assists with the microphone, as the city was experiencing some technical difficulties. McDonald lives in Gunnison where he is also municipal judge.

Newly elected and re-elected Alamosa city councilors were sworn in and took their seats on council Wednesday night. Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez administered the oaths of office for, from top, Councilman David Broyles, Michael Carson and Jan Vigil. Broyles represents Ward 2, Carson Ward 4 and Vigil is councilor at large.