OMS students shadow local businesses


Editor’s Note: Haden Garcia is an eight grader from Ortega Middle School who came to the Valley Courier as part of OMS Job Days. His assignment was to write an article about other participating OMS students. Aside from editorial guidance, all words and photos are the work of Garcia.

Each year these students take on new tasks and experiences in their communities. Students can participate in any job if the employer agrees. Medicine, education, service and agriculture are just a few of the wide range of industries taken on.

OMS takes great pride in exposing the students to the real world and check in on the students at their place of work. Students were encouraged to select jobs that they want to work at in the future.

At Alamosa Elementary School, many eighth graders have decided to devote their time to their past teachers. One such student is Lyric Wood. Yesterday he helped out Mrs. Romero, one of his former teachers. Some of his jobs included teaching students to read articles and teaching with Mrs. Romero.

Yesterday the annual living museum also took place at AES. In the living museum fifth graders dress as a historical character they studied over a few months and did a presentation. The shadowing students also took part in this event.

“He is doing very good!” fourth grader Harley Booth said when asked how Lyric was lending a hand.

Ryker Alonzo, Dustin Curto, and Zachery Bernal all worked for Mr. Romero in the physical education department.

Students could be found at San Luis Valley Health. Here students joined many departments of the medical industry including pediatrics and surgery. Arturo Cuevas and Annalise Romero shadowed Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Defee. They also witnessed a shoulder operation.

When asked what he liked the most about his job day Cuevas said, “The free lunch!”

Lunch was free at SLV Health to celebrate National Hospital Week. Deacon Shaw, Dante Perez and Hailie Perry all worked in pediatrics yesterday. They were allowed to work with babies and children while they shadowed the doctors. The hospital has been buzzing with student activity.

Many students also appeared in the service industry. Blessed Brews got assistance from eighth grade student Erika Wickham.

Earlier this week, she had worked at the emergency room at SLV Health as well. She learned many skills while helping the barista such as how to run the register and make a variety of beverages for customers.

Chili’s, Colorado Sports and Rocky Mountain Sports were other places students could be found helping with service.

These job days can be expected to continue as long as they are allowed in Alamosa. The students are learning how they fit into society and they are gaining new memories along the way.

Subsequent classes will also partake in the tradition, so companies around the Valley can expect them next year.

Eighth graders can always be excited when these chances come their way because as Zachery Bernal put it, “We get to miss school.”

Caption: Arturo Cuevas, Annalise Romero, Alyssa Crowther, and Mila Cook helped shadowed Doctors Hernandez and Defee Thursday at SLV Health. They were spending their second job day at the hospital. Photos by Haden Garcia

Dylan Mendoza, left, helps Kiara Gallegos create a poster for her class on Thursday at Alamosa Elementary School. Dylan was one of many students helping out around AES in Alamosa.

Erika Wickham, center, creates a drink for a customer at Blessed Brews this Thursday. She was operating the register and making drinks for the coffee shop.