Preservation project fund-raising begins for museum


DEL NORTE — The Rio Grande County Museum staff has two major digitization projects on which a major part of the winter and early spring will be a priority for preservation of the photo archives and the old newspapers.

A new computer and scanner system has been purchased by the non-profit organization, “ The Rio Grande County Museum, Inc.”  This board is separate from county funding and works to support the museum. Monies are raised by membership to the organization and donations given by the community and visitors is used for the purpose. The process of scanning the photos has started and when finished will be available for use and viewing of the public.

The museum has been home to old San Juan Prospectors, dating back to the first one published in February of 1874. The need for better protection of this collection has become a priority.  With the addition of a new collection of unbound San Luis Valley Graphic, the collection has increased to include newspapers from the Monte Vista area. To protect these priceless collections, plastic sleeves are needed. Once they have the sleeves, they will be able to be digitized and available for public viewing. 

A fund-raising drive has been started to fund the sleeve project. To contribute, please contact the museum at (719) 657-2847 or mail to Rio Grande County Museum, 580 Oak Street, Del Norte, Colorado  81132. Donations may be used through the Enterprise Zone for tax credit.

Caption: Mikayla Baird and Rose Basaldua are accessioning a newspaper collection. Photo courtesy of Rio Grande County