Revised map of election districts to be presented to council

A copy of the proposed redistricted wards. Map courtesy of Development Services with the city of Alamosa.

Meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday in council chambers

ALAMOSA — The Alamosa City Council has a full agenda for this week’s meeting on Wednesday night, April 5. The council will be making three proclamations — “International Dark Sky Week,” “Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” and “Child Abuse Prevention Month.” 

Council will also be receiving an annual report of accomplishments from the Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley, an outside funding partner with the city. 

The city’s Department of Development Services will also be presenting, for first reading, Ordinance No. 5-2023 which amends the election districts into revised wards and approves an updated ward map of the city of Alamosa.  

Alamosa Police Department Chief Ken Anderson will also be presenting, for a public hearing and a second reading, Ordinance No. 4-2023 which would approve an Alamosa Police Department joint agreement with the Monte Vista Police Department.  

The city council will also be selecting artwork for inclusion in the 7th annual Artscape art on loan program. 

And, finally, the council will consider, as part of the public hearing and second reading, Ordinance No. 3-2023 which would establish a temporary moratorium on accepting applications for licenses for the sale of pre-packaged alcohol at certain establishments through July 31. 

As is standard, other items on the agenda include staff comments, approval of minutes, committee reports, staff reports, and any other city business taken up on a regular basis during the city council meeting. 

For a more in-depth look at the agenda, including the ordinances to be voted on, go to the Alamosa City Council website and click on City Council Agenda.